A waiting period for dental insurance refers to the inteval between a plans effective date and when you can take advantage of certain basic or major benefits. In an ideal world all benefits would be available from day one. However, each dental insurance plan has it’s own design and own focus. Some companies are not as concerned with the people who only buy coverage because they are in need of an expensive dental procedure.
Most dental insurance policies will immediately cover preventive procedures. This site helps shopper locate those plans that DO cover procedures sooner than later. This include fillings, extractions, periodontal treatment, root canal, crowns, implants, dentures, etc. The amount of reimbursement for basic or major procedures can vary from plan to plan and from state to state. This site is a good resource for people in need of major procedures, such as crowns, bridge-work, inlays, onlays, dentures, oral surgery, and dental implants.
To Shop Plans, it is best to begin with a quote.

Dental Insurance Plans and Facts
FACT: 10,000+ Baby Boomers turn 65 every day and only 10% of them have a dental insurance plan.FACT: Medicare does not cover cost for oral health services and dental careFACT: Oral health is integral to general health careFACT: 114 million Americans do not have a dental insurance plan. |